First-ever Accredited Course for Forest Products Sector Careers is Back for Fall 2024

Machias, ME – The Business of Maine’s Forest Products Sector course is back and will begin again on October 1 with a free 10-week asynchronous course and workshop series. This learning opportunity is the first-ever accredited course developed to promote workforce opportunities and innovation across Maine’s Forest Products Sector. 

The free 10-week asynchronous course will be delivered virtually, allowing learners to participate in live workshops, as well as catch the weekly recordings at their convenience. Learners who complete the course will earn three college credits as well as Maine Forest Products Sector micro-credentials. Participants can also select individual workshops to attend/watch and forego college credit. Both options are completely free. The course is open to students, entrepreneurs, employers, and anyone with an interest in starting and growing a career or business in Maine’s Forest Products Sector. Classes will be held weekly (except for holidays) on Tuesdays from 2-5 pm from October 1, 2024 to December 3, 2024.

This course will provide participants with an understanding of career and innovation opportunities across the industry, access to direct contact with industry professionals, as well as the knowledge to begin their career journeys.  A recent participant stated, “This class provided a broad overview of a topic I knew little about before I started it. My main takeaway is that we should all be concerned about, invested in, and excited by Maine’s forestry/wood products sector–no matter where we reside in the state.”

Individuals can jumpstart their careers and fuel their innovative ideas in the sector by participating in the 10-week course and achieving micro-credentials. Each week, participants will be introduced to subject matter experts in the sector, including employers from lumber mills and pulp and paper operations, foresters, wildlife biologists, scientists, professors, foresters, entrepreneurs, artisans, and more.

Financial assistance of up to $500 per learner may be available to help address barriers, such as internet access or childcare costs.

The course and associated materials will also soon be available in Spanish.

This course was developed through a partnership among Sunrise County Economic Council, Forest Opportunity Roadmap (FOR/Maine), Washington County Community College, and Maine Development Foundation. This WCCC course is generously funded through a private trust grant. Barrier removal assistance is thoughtfully provided through a Maine Department of Labor and State Workforce Board Industry Partnership grant. 

To register, please visit

Media Contact:

Denise Cilley, Associate Director of Sunrise County Economic Council


About the Sunrise County Economic Council

Sunrise County Economic Council (SCEC) is a 501(c)3 private, non-profit organization that works to create jobs and prosperity and serves as the primary driver for economic development in Washington County.  SCEC initiates and facilitates this work with a consortium of community-minded businesses, nonprofit organizations, municipalities and citizens.  SCEC’s many collaborations and partnerships consist of a broad but related spectrum of community organizations. SCEC works with statewide industry partners to build workforce and innovation centers courses that reach Maine, and oftentimes beyond. All collaborations impact and are relevant to Washington County. In particular to this course, SCEC provides curriculum and micro-credential development, promotional materials, assists in outreach, and coordinates logistics and delivery of the Business of Maine’s Forest Products Sector learning experience in partnership with Maine Development Foundation, FOR/MAINE, Washington County Community College and a team of industry curriculum delivery partners. For more information, please visit: and follow:


FOR/MAINE is a unique cross-sector collaboration between industry, communities, government, education, and non-profits, which have come together to realize the next generation of Maine’s great forest economy. The coalition is supported by the U.S. Economic Development Administration and the U.S. Department of Agriculture and was created to assess Maine’s current industry, assets and readiness and determine a strategy to capitalize on new opportunities. FOR/Maine is combining collaborative actions, innovation, market and resource management expertise, and reliable data to guide smart and successful investment and market expansion in the forest economy. For more information, please visit: and follow:

About the Maine Development Foundation

MDF is a non-partisan, statewide driver of sustainable economic growth in Maine. We connect people, decision-makers, and communities through trusted research, leadership development, and community partnerships. To learn more about our work visit

About Washington County Community College

Washington County Community College (WCCC) is a public community college in Calais in Washington County, Maine and part of the Maine Community College System. The college was founded in 1969 as Washington County Vocational Technical Institute, and in 1989, became Washington County Technical College. In 2003, the Maine Technical College System became the Maine Community College System, and WCTC became Washington County Community College in recognition of our expanded mission in serving the people of Washington County and Maine. Washington County Community College serves as an educational, community, and economic development resource for Washington County and beyond by providing educational opportunities with individualized attention to all who desire to gain technical skills, develop career specializations, engage in self-improvement, and/or prepare for transfer. For more information, please visit: and follow:

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