Washington County UT TIF Grant
Washington County Government has a grant program through the tax increment financing (TIF) district it established for the Unorganized Territories (UTs) in Washington County. This is funded through deferred property taxes from the Stetson I & II wind-farms outside of Danforth. A portion of the wind-farm property taxes are returned to Washington County each year. These funds are to be used for economic development and job creation in the Unorganized Territories.
The TIF Program has a nature-based tourism grant, an economic development planning grant, and a County match grant. Businesses, individuals, and other organizations may apply for funding through these programs. Applications are reviewed by the SCEC Grant Committee and then referred to the County Commissioners for final approval.
TIF Grants must have matching funds from other sources. The amount of the match depends on the project and which of the TIF funds the project qualifies for.

Please mail your application to:
Attention UT TIF Admin
Sunrise County Economic Council
7 Ames Way, Machias ME 04654

Program Manager
Please contact me with all of your UT TIF Grant questions!
Please visit the
Washington County Government
website for more information on
the UT TIF Grants