Family Futures Downeast
“FFD changed my life. It has been so much more than college credits. It has been support, friendships, laughter, tears and determination. It has been an outlet, a sounding board, and a shoulder. It has been so much more than I set out to achieve.”
– Shannon Demarest
Cohort 2, University of Maine at Machias
FFD is a 2 Generation college program designed for parents and their children. It’s unique because parents enroll in college preparation and college classes with a cohort of peers, and a coach to help guide them. At the same time, children enroll in high quality education programs. It’s called a 2 Gen program because the WHOLE FAMILY – parents and children – are working together to achieve their goals.
FFD is a collaborative partnership between six agencies and organizations, including Sunrise County Economic Council, created to promote post-secondary education for parents and early childhood education for their children as a means to reduce poverty, create employment opportunities and improve stability in Washington County, Maine families.