
Please contact Elaine Abbott, Regional Broadband Coordinator
Elaine can assist Washington County communities at no cost with:
- community-wide surveys
- development of working groups
- financial and economic trainings
- facilitation of discussions between community members, local officials, and internet service providers
You can reach Elaine at 207 255-0983 or
Free Fraud and Scam Prevention Training
Cybersecurity isn't just for businesses! Scammers are always seeking ways to exploit vulnerabilites with two goals: to steal your money and your identity. There are ways to safeguard your devices, your money, and your personal information. SCEC is offering free...
Can You Spot the Scam? Take the Quiz.
Take the free 'Banks Never Ask That' Quiz, developed by the American Bankers Association. See if you think each situation is legit or a scam. Remember, these conversations can happen anywhere — on the phone, by text, or online.
SCEC economic summit highlights area’s development
by Lura Jackson, published in the Quoddy Tides, October 25, 2024 The challenges and opportunities of the Greater East Grand Region (GEGR) and Washington County as a whole were addressed during the annual summit of the Sunrise County Economic Council (SCEC) on October...
Regional & Tribal Broadband Partners
Sunrise County Economic Council is a partner in the Regional & Tribal Broadband Partners Program (RTBP). The RTBP helps to deploy, sustain, and maximize the benefits of broadband infrastructure investment in all state regions and tribal communities while also providing support for community and regional-scale broadband infrastructure solutions and investments.
Regional & Tribal Broadband Partners receive funding and support provided by the Maine Connectivity Authority (MCA) in partnership with the Maine Broadband Coalition (MBC) and the NDEC.
Click here for a complete list of partners
Beth C Wright Cancer Resource Center
Cobscook Institute
Downeast Broadband Utility
- Downeast Community Partners
- Four Directions Development Corporation
- Greater East Grand Economic Council
- Healthy Acadia
- Lived Expert, John S
- Lived Expert Rose S
- Machias Savings Bank
- Maine Seacoast Mission
- Mano en Mano
- MSAD #37
- Peavey Memorial Library
- Shead High School
- Sunrise County Economic Council
- The Passamaquoddy Tribe at Indian Township
- Washington County Adult and Community Education
What is Digital Equity?
Digital equity is commonly referred to as a condition in which all individuals and communities have the information technology capacity needed for full participation in our society, democracy, and economy. This is necessary for civic and cultural participation, employment, lifelong learning, and access to essential services. View the Report for Washington County.
What is Digital Inclusion?
The National Digital Inclusion Alliance (NDIA) states: Digital Inclusion refers to the activities necessary to ensure that all individuals and communities, including the most disadvantaged, have access to and use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs). This includes five elements:
- Affordable, robust broadband internet service;
- Internet-enabled devices that meet the needs of the user;
- Access to digital literacy/skills training;
- Quality technical support; and
- Applications and online content designed to enable and encourage self-sufficiency, participation, and collaboration.
These elements must evolve as technology advances and require intentional strategies and investments to reduce and eliminate historical, institutional, and structural barriers to access and use technology.
What are Digital Skills?
The National Digital Inclusion Alliance recommends the definition from the “Digital Skills Framework,” updated in April 2019 by the Department for Education of the UK government.
Adults will need to have the following foundation skills which underpin all essential digital skills:
With Digital Foundation Skills, I can:
- Turn on a device
- Use the available controls on my device
- Make use of accessibility tools on my device to make it easier to use
- Interact with the home screen on my device
- Understand that the internet allows me to access information and content and that I can connect to it through Wi-Fi (or any internet connection)
- Connect my device to a safe and secure Wi-Fi network (or any internet connection)
- Connect to the internet and open a browser to find and use websites
- Understand that my passwords and personal information need to be kept safely as they have value to others
- Update and change my password when prompted to do so
How can I Gain Digital Skills for Free?
The National Digital Equity Center offers more than 40 free classes to all Maine residents regardless of income. Classes are designed around three curricula: work and business, home and education, and aging well with technology.
Sign Up for Washington County...Connected!
"Tech Tips" - Internet Safety Handouts
Planning and Funding Resources
Maine Connectivity Authority – Quasi-governmental agency charged with achieving universal broadband access and digital equity to all Mainers.
ReConnect Loan and Grant Program, USDA
Maine Broadband Coalition – Promotes universal broadband access and digital equity through policy and educational engagement.
What Works Solutions Library – Ideas for educating the broader community, strategies for working with service providers, and opportunities for funding broadband projects.
Let’s Explore Solutions in Your Community
At no cost to your community, SCEC will assist with the development of community-wide surveys, development of working groups, financial and economic trainings, conferences, and the facilitation of discussions between community members, local officials, and internet service providers. SCEC will help communities to identify and secure state and federal funding for broadband planning and implementation.