Feasibility Study
The Feasibility Study engages community members to explore these questions together:
- What distinctive stories unite the region?
- How is this important to our Nation’s heritage?
- How do we want to share those stories?
- Are existing resources sufficient for cohesive, in-depth, interactive storytelling?
- How can we pool and leverage our human and financial resources with other initiatives?
- Does local support and organizational capacity exist to sustain an NHA for the long-term?
- Is NHA designation a good strategy for us?
- How would designation support & expand community conservation and development goals?
- Where are the proposed NHA boundary delineations, based on the above points?
A Feasibility Study is the first step in seeking a National Heritage Area designation. A Feasibility Study lays out the framework which the community will use to plan, develop, and manage a quality, successful long-term NHA program.
The Feasibility Study determines if the heritage resources and story are nationally significant, whether or not the community supports the proposal, and if there is adequate community commitment to successfully manage an NHA program for the long term.
The Feasibility Study is conducted by a group of local representatives of the different heritage stories and heritage organizations. Community input is sought from as many residents, business owners, municipalities, and organizations as possible across the region.
Read the Feasibility Study
Read the Updated Chapters 4-6 as submitted in the Final version.
Download by chapter (PDF):
Chapter 1: Downeast Maine National Heritage Area
Chapter 2: Fulfillment of NHA Baseline Criteria
Chapter 3: Community Planning & Support
(Replacement chapters and Asset Inventory are rewritten & expanded in response to comments and questions from the National Park Service regarding the Study submitted .)
original Chapter 4: Proposed Location & Introduction to the Region
original Chapter 5: Downeast Maine’s Nationally Significant Heritage Story
original Chapter 6: A Historical Context of Downeast Maine’s National Heritage
Chapter 7: Local Resources, Regional Opportunity
Chapter 8: Alternatives to NHA Designation
Chapter 9: Local & Regional Economic Activity
Chapter 10: Long-Term Management & Funding of the Downeast Maine NHA
Questions or comments?
Contact Sunrise County Economic Council: chitchings@sunrisecounty.org or 207-707-2057