Tanya Rucosky
Sunrise County Economic Council (SCEC) is pleased to announce the addition of Tanya Rucosky of Grand Lake Stream as its new Program Manager for Communications and Development.
“I’m passionate about making the world a better place,” said Rucosky, who has managed HIV/AIDS programs in Thailand and protected rivers in Australia. “I came to Washington County because of my interest in the environment. At first, I worked for the Downeast Lakes Land Trust. Protecting our lakes and forests was worthy work, but we can’t have a healthy environment without a healthy economy. The land and the people of Maine are tied together. They hold each other up. Therefore, I am thrilled to get a chance to work for the SCEC. Their style of community development fits right into my belief that enduring success depends on respect for both people and natural resources.
“We are very pleased to have Tanya on board. She brings the skills and experience we need to let people know what the SCEC does and to explain the challenges and opportunities facing Washington County’s economy,” said Charles Rudelitch, SCEC’s Executive Director.
Rucosky has degrees from the University of Pittsburgh in Information Science and English Writing, as well as a degree in Environmental Education.