Sunrise County Economic Council (SCEC) is relocating its Machias office. For the past 13 years, SCEC has been located at the Machias Telebusiness Center on Stackpole Road.

On Tuesday, September 25, the Council will be relocating to the Machias CareerCenter building at 53 Prescott Drive, Suite #3.

“Our board and staff are very excited about this move for many reasons, “executive director Harold Clossey said. “We work very closely with the CareerCenter on a number of initiatives. This move will only strengthen that relationship and enhance the links between economic development, education, and workforce development. It is also a more visible, accessible location for clients and colleagues. We’re thrilled to be settling into our new space.”

The Women’s Business Center at Coastal Enterprises, Inc., and the Maine Small Business Development Center Machias offices will also be moving with SCEC.

“Both the WBC at CEI and Maine SBDC have been with us for several years, and will be staying put,” Clossey said. “It’s important that local businesses have quick, ready access to all of these resources, and that’s something we didn’t want to lose sight of in the move. We’re very pleased all the logistics worked out the way they did.”

SCEC also has an office at Washington County Community College in Calais.

The Council can be reached by phone at 207-255-0983 (Machias) or 207-259-5004 (Calais) or online at For more information, please contact SCEC Communications Manager Will Tuell at

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